Day 3 Mangochi to Liwonde
This was long, hard, hot, flat day's cycling of about 95 km on tarmac roads. We rode alongside the river and then the shoreline of Lake Malombe. I discover that my buff tucked inside my helmet helped to keep my head a bit a cooler and that suncream was essential (I burned the tips of my ears).
Boy carrying maize flour
Friendly people greeted us as we pedaled through villages with smiles and shouts. People transport things for long distances on their heads or on overloaded bicycles.
Helen cycles past a group of children all wanting to wave and high 5. |
Running pucture repairs |
Other hazards included cows, goats and cyclists with heavy loads |
Children with home made football have a quick kick about with Siobhan |
The area around Mangochi is mostly Muslim and Ramadan had just started. With lengthening shadows, no downhills and tired leggies we were all pleased to arrive at the Hippo Lodge Hotel.
Harvesting coconuts in the hotel grounds |
No lizards on the wall, no frogs in the shower and no spiders but a powerful smell of moth balls and a powercut when all soaped up. I love my head torch. Why does it always happen to me?
Siobhan and Jackie with plaster fish eagle.
We were all feeling tired and this was a memorable meal at the Hippo Lodge. Hilary, Jo, Hazel and Jackie (our group leader) all feeling sick and Siobhan poorly the next day. Meanwhile the food kept arriving. Anyone for mushroom rice? or vegetable noodles or perhaps samosas for pudding?
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