Friday, 26 July 2013

Day 7 Down the Mountain

Day 7 Down Mulanje Mountain

Alarms set for 5 a.m. for tea and toast we started out on our last day with the sunrise leaving behind the cosy hut which had sheltered us from the cold and rain. Fortunately the rain had stopped and we could see the mountain.
It was slippery and slow going. Jackie advised us to leave space or have the domino effect of us all sliding down together.

Clear skies above the clouds.
Next time it would be good to go up there too. The annual Porters race is now an international event that has hundreds of men and women scrambling to be the first to the top. Lewis said they mostly have trainers not flip flops like him.
Above the candy floss clouds.
Tropical vegetation
Beautiful clear skies (and smile)

It was easier to sit down and slide - less far to fall!

Crossing the slippery river bed.

Siobhan and I admire a tree fern.

We would have found it very difficult without the very helpful and friendly porters.

The river crossing again, a challenge. The porters spread out and gave a helping hand.

Hazel with her adopted family Pauline and Siobhan


Liz with her ipad up the mountain! Great photos Liz!

Lewis's footwear
Pauline, Siobhan, Hazel and me 

Our fantastic team
We all made it safely through the clouds to the bottom where after a quick wash and sort out of bags, we said good bye to the porter team and set off to the Link office in Dedza. Here we had the opportunity to see at first hand the important work that they are doing in schools.
It was dark by the time we got there but there was plenty of time for Sophie to answer questions. We could all see the good work going on in the office which is making such a difference to the children in Malawi schools and made the bike ride and all the fundraising feel worthwhile.

Time for a celebratory meal and then off to the village tomorrow. Watch this space!

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